Thursday, November 20, 2008

Weekly Job Club

Do you know that the Career Center holds a weekly Job Club meeting each Wednesday, from 9:30 AM-11:00 AM? Being unemployed and job searching can be lonely and isolating. Why not meet with others for inspiration, support and have a cup of coffee with us. We share resources and information and welcome new members. There will be no meeting on 11/26th. We will resume on 12/3 and meet on the first floor, next to the reference desk.

Bilingual College Information Presentation

Make it Happen, a Bilingual College Information Presentation will take place on Wednesday, December 3 at 7:00 PM on the lower level, meeting room 2. A college recruitment representative will be on hand to discuss college admissions, applications, financial aid, how to decide on a college and more. Applying for fall 2009 college admission is underway now. This workshop will be very informative for both adults, young adults and their parents.
Call the library at 631-273-7883 or e-mail the career center at to reserve your spot.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Did you Miss the Business Basics Workshop?

Tune in to the Small Business lecture presented by a representative from the Small Business Development Center. Find this podcast on the Career Services page on the library's homepage and then click onto the speaker's photo to hear this informative presentation.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Small Business Workshops

Are you tired of working for others? Do you want to call the shots? Do you think about starting your own business? Plan on attending the small business workshops and let us show you the nuts and bolts of starting your own business in an informative 2-part workshop series:
May 29th: Business Basics
June 5th: Business Plans

Both workshops start at 7:00 PM. Please RSVP to 631-273-7883 or e-mail the career center at